An Official website of the NJRLCA.

Organized September 5, 1904
To access all information on this website, please login or register.
An Official website of the NJRLCA.
New Jersey Rural Letter Carriers' Association
Signed in as:
Organized September 5, 1904
To access all information on this website, please login or register.
Ocean City, MD
This year Eastern States Conference is at "The Carousel" in Ocean City, MD.
More information can be found on the National website
Ocean City, MD
Come vote for new District officers, State delegates and State Constitution changes.
Look for your postcard in the mail
Come vote for new District officers, State delegates and State Constitution changes.
Look for your postcard in the mail
Come vote for new District officers, State delegates and State Constitution changes.
Look for your postcard in the mail
Absecon Post Office
A random drawing will be held on April 22nd, 2025, at the Absecon Post Office at 2 pm.
Nominations must be received by April 18th, 2025
Absecon Post Office
The State Board meets at The Homes2 Suites located at 840 US 206 Bordentown, NJ
The National Delegate Committee will meet at the Homes2 Suites located at 840 US 206 Bordentown, NJ. They will label, stuff and mail the Nat...
Any Resolution or Constitution changes must be post marked no later than May 18th and mailed to the State Secretary/Treasurer at PO Box 79 C...
The State Convention is being held at The Clarion Hotel in Somerset, NJ. Room information will be in the March State paper.
We are committed to advocating for the rights and well-being of our members. Through collective bargaining, we strive to secure fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to quality benefits. On top of all this we take pride as a craft in the important work we provide rural communities.
Founded in 1904, the NJRLCA and its national organization have a long history of organizing labor agreements between us and the United States Postal Service. The NRLCA's stated goal is to "improve the methods used by rural letter carriers, to benefit their conditions of labor with the United States Postal Service, and to promote a fraternal spirit among its members."
Through collective bargaining with the USPS, the association is able to offer many benefits to its members.
This allows the membership to gain access to competitive benefits and programs.
The NJRLCA offers its membership scholarships and other special programs.
First timers Tom Sear and Ray West with President Joyce Armstrong and Tom’s daughter Ariel
Nancy Nunn, Joyce Armstrong, and Kelly Inman heading in to the Banquet, we all had a great time
New Jersey attendees to Eastern States Conference
PAC, which stands for Political Action Committee, is a committee which collects voluntary contributions from members of a group (NRLCA). It distributes funds to candidates for federal offices and makes a report on its activities. PAC is important because it accumulates small contributions into a central account so that larger contributions can be made to a candidate for Congress. Therefore, each contribution has increased importance to the candidate.
The NRLCA-PAC plays a key role in representing our interests on Capitol Hill by supporting key Senators and Representatives. NRLCA-PAC financially supports:
The money contributed to NRLCA-PAC aids in each Member's election campaign committee. Campaigns, in turn, use the money to send mass mailings, purchased TV and radio ads, fund "Get Out The Vote" efforts, and support their colleague's campaign efforts.
Do you need to know who your local steward is? Click on the button below, it will take you to the National (NRLCA) website. All you will need to do is provide your ZIP code.
The new NRLCA mobile app is now available for both Apple and Android devices. Go to Apple (App Store) or Google Play and search for NRLCA to download the free official NRLCA mobile app.
If you have a current NRLCA website log-in you will use the same log-in for the mobile app. If you do not have a current website log-in, you can create a log-in through the NRLCA Mobile App.
We highly recommend that you allow for notifications as the NRLCA will be sending out important updates.
Your National Board
Copyright © 2019 New Jersey Rural Letter Carriers' Association - All Rights Reserved.
Please check important dates under the info dropdown for upcoming events!
If you have any article submissions for the paper please submit to the State President.